
Putting It Out There

Today I read a new blog post on the website AwesomelyLuvvie, where Luvvie discusses seeing her dreams come true. Specifically, she talked about speaking her dreams out loud and seeing them manifest. Reading that post has made me rethink how I feel about the idea of speaking your dreams or goals into existence. Previously, I dismissed this way of thinking because it didn’t seem to work for me. I have written down my goals before, but haven’t seen them come to fruition; which may be partly because my goals keep changing all the time.... Anyway, I think I’ve finally arrived at career goals that are representative what I am passionate about, what I enjoy doing, and what I can make a living at. So, I’m going to try this speaking dreams into existence and write down my career dreams for all the world to see (or the few people who may visit my site).


I want to write and publish short stories.

I want to become a part-time freelance writer for well-known, national print and digital publications; in particular, I want to see my byline in Ebony and Essence Magazines. It would mean so much to me to see a story I wrote in these iconic publications that have represented and showcased the Black community.

I want to work with small, grassroots nonprofits to help them engage in strategic and fundraising planning.


Tasasha Henderson